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"This release of positivity into the universe will hopefully help to flood the earth with much needed blessings." 

- Ebony D. Author


"Life will provide the test, when you pass God wants you to share the testimony.” 

-Ebony D. Author

     The statement is the guiding motto for this author. Ebony is a passionate educator, taking her twenty years of instructional experience from the classroom into the world teaching about God.  Her writing reflects her teaching style of correlating biblical scripture with real-world application.  

     Her life ambition has been about using her gifts to inspire others whether in the classroom, conference room, or from the writing desk. Her first book, Crowned Favored will be released 5/5/2023. The book consists of biblical scripture, applicable devotional lessons/stories, personal reflection, and a space for individually crafted prayers.  As the author states, “A devotional to help fix your crown or adjust it slightly because you are favored.”

     In addition, she will release another Christian book entitled Thankful Wall on 7/7/2023. Thankful Wall will use short stories in relation to biblical scriptures.  She launched a podcast the Thankful Project and uses her YouTube Channel  to continue spreading the message of living from a place of gratitude. 

YouTube Channel:  Poetry is set to cinematic video.
Podcasts: Every episode will feature everyday people sharing their perspective on how to express gratitude during the best and worse seasons of life. 
Blog: My blog features my poems and writings with some inspired by ideas of the podcast. Please feel free to comment or guest blog with me.

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